Merry Christmas to you!
Most people who have not owned a home in the last three years qualify!
Really, there's not much to gripe about when it comes to the tax credit. The government handing you a check for buying a house you needed to buy anyway - that's a pretty cool opportunity….don’t ya think?
Here's the kicker - The Sellers KNOW you are getting up to $8,000 free for buying their house and they DON'T get one for selling it to you and buying their next place. Their loss, right? Wrong! Now more than ever, I am seeing sellers who WILL NOT budge. And the reason is…………….....yes, the BUYER’S tax credit.
Well, if the buyer is getting $8,000 and Sellers are not. They feel the Buyer can use that money to make up the price and closing costs and/or décor or home inspection repairs.
Let’s think about this………….
Think this isn't common?
So keep in mind that you're getting a great tax credit for purchasing
but the Seller might be wanting to participate in the tax credit during your negotiations!